Saturday, 7 September 2013

Let the (Freedonian) Train Take the Strain

Following careful negotiations with honest American suppliers, the Minister of Railways was able to announce the arrival of the first of the new (or at least only slightly used) trains for Freedonian Republican Railways.  At last the railway system of Freedonia is being brought further up to date!

The first locomotive arrived in a fanfare of publicity and the cheers of enthusiatic bystanders. 

 It is apparently to be named "The Meteor",  it arrived today  at the newly constructed railhead in the Capital, and was greeted by the Presidential Guard and the new Army Corps of Bandsmen.
The Minister of Railways, Mr Ravelli said "Issa what I said - one luvvery choo choo.  Issa very fine choo choo, you bet."
The Finance Minister is reported to be in a stable condition and is expected to regain consciousness very soon.
The new locomotive will be running special inaugural services out to the Bratuvian Frontier, and it likely to be used to ferry supplies and tractor parts to that troubled region.

Science News

Following reports of the development of heavier than air flying machines in France, Germany and Britain, the Ministry of Agricuture and Science has announced its plans to start developing its own program to construct the first Freedonain powered aerial craft. A spokesman said  "Freedonain Science is the best in the world - we'll have these things working in a couple of weeks, no problem."

There have been some reports already of unidentified aerial craft in the skies of Freedonia, and conspiracy theorists are suggesting that the first Freedonian Flying Machines might already be in service.

Government sources are poo-pooing the suggestion.

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